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            ZŠ TGM Borohrádek, the Czech Republic

School complex consists of the building from 1939 and some other buildings. The school was opened on 1st September 1939 ( on the day the II World War started in Poland)


Unfortunately it was closed during the war. It was opened again  on 25 November 1945.


In 2004-2005 the playing ground was rebuilt and now it has a new usable area. It is for the PE classes, but everyone can come here and excercise!

There are 20 teachers in our school.

Our project cooridinator and Engish teacher is Přibyl Michal.


Our school is known for its prizes won in many e-twinning competitions:


letters from the Czech republic

making Christmas cards for our e-twinning friends

OUr Time cApsule


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